This is the first post of the 2014 Drive Across America road trip
Up at 4:40, without alarm going off. Slept well enough
Jim helped me load truck
Ate two bowls of oatmeal and chatted with family
Ice tray had not frozen thoroughly overnight
Goodbyes and well wishes
Took almost ten minutes to get out of the driveway. Down the road by 6:10
Stopped at Safeway for quart of motor oil, since truck was about that low on oil. Leak somewhere?
Also stopped at Chase ATM to deposit Silicon Sage check and get $400 more in cash
Finally on the road by 6:40
Foggy through first part of Hwy 152
San Luis reservoir was pretty low
Air quality much better along I-5 compared to back in January
Traffic along I-5 quite reasonable
Stopped at two rest stops and two gas stations before getting to I-210
Odometer stopped working on early part of I-5, just about the time that I began using cruise control. Coincidence? It was also rolling over from 12099 to 12100 when it stuck. Trip odometer also quit working. Hmmm.
Nevertheless, it appears that I’m getting between 25 and 30 miles per gallon with cruise control, 60mph (indicated) and 2500 RPM.
OAT near Indio got into the 90’s
Huge backup on northbound Hwy 86 between Salton City and Brawley due to Border Patrol checkpoint
Car wreck along desert stretch of Hwy 86 before Brawley. Pickup truck belly up, cab crushed. Lots of emergency vehicles