Ambrosio Barrios was A.Rosa’s grandfather on her mother’s side. She has vivid memories of him sitting in rocking chair, white beard, dressed in suit, waiting to give them candy after they returned from school. Not much is known about his background. He may have been adopted. He married A. Rosa’s maternal grandmother (also a Barrios, but a different family). Ambrosio had a son that died while A. Rosa was in secondary school.
Aunt Rosa Luz was born in San Miguel, Sonora, Mexico.
Tia Loreto’s brother lived in San Miguel. A. Rosa tells story of when she visited San Miguel and met widow of her Mom’s brother, who spent the remaining six months of her life as a recluse in her own home, leaving orphaned the two sons and four daughters. The youngest daughter is now the grandmother to one of A. Rosa’s current neighbors in Yuma.
Alicia and Enrique were born in El Tigre, which was a copper/gold mining town operated by an American interest. Tio Juan had a truck that he used to haul ore to the smelter in Douglas, AZ when he was working/living in El Tigre.
There were other uncles that maintained a close relationship with the family (Tio Mateo, Tio Octavio, etc.) and some of these old timers did show up at the family reunion back in the 1980’s.
- Alicia visited for a short while this afternoon. She looks the same.
- Took nap for about an hour, then sat outside chatting, after the sun went down. Took three aspirin to kill off the stiff neck from driving yesterday.
- Tulita and Kevin arrived at close to 11:00 PM. Chatted briefly, then to sleep.
- There are pictures of older relatives at Tulita’s house, but will need to see these some other time in the future.
- Kevin spent about 15 minutes looking for the WAP access key. Maybe Melissa knows what it is. I recommended that if they need to know what it is, they’ll need to hard reset the wireless router and then set a new password (I doubt any of them know how to log in to the router), and I didn’t want to spend my vacation time trying to figure it out.